Columbia City: Expect Random Encounters
Sat, May 31 from 10am - 12pm
Columbia City, once viewed as neglected, is now considered one of Seattle’s most dynamic, diverse, and desirable neighborhoods. Begun as a mill town in the late 19th century along the electric rail line to Renton, the neighborhood gradually fell into disrepair during the late 20th century. Columbia City then began a grassroots revitalization 20 years ago. Buildings once vacant and derelict have been restored to turn-of-the century beauty. Coffee shops, restaurants, galleries, and regular events like the Farmer’s Market have made the neighborhood a destination for Seattle residents. On this tour, you will see examples of worker’s cottages from the beginning of the 20th century, current mixed-use projects and examine the historic business district and its revitalization.
Starts: Columbia City Light Rail Station - 4818 Martin Luther King Jr. Way S (NE corner of MLK Jr Way and S Edmunds Street)
Ends: Southside Commons - 3518 S Edmunds Street
Photos: Alessandra Brescia, Atelier Jones, Swenson Say Fagét